Six Million… and One!

14 responses to “Six Million… and One!”

    • That is my goal, Diane… to point others to Jesus and inspire them to spend more time in His Word. Thanks for letting me know you stopped by. 🙂
      – Blessings, Lisa

  1. Lisa, this is wonderful I certainly will be stopping by frequently as you always share such encouraging things.
    Thank you for your obedience to God’s calling.

    • How fun to see your name pop up here, Esther! Brought a big smile to my face. You taught me a great deal about obediently stepping into God’s invitation. So I appreciate your stopping in to share some encouragement. I do hope you’ll stop by often.
      – Blessings, Lisa

  2. Love that you are doing this; your writings and thoughts are worthy of sharing; I’ve been reminded recently that all He wants from us is to be “able and available” to serve Him and glorify Him.
    Thankful for our friendship.

    • I’m so thankful too, Don! You are a great encouragement to me. God has been impressing obedience and availability on my heart. And your message is a confirmation of that. So thank you!
      – Blessings, Lisa

  3. Nice progress on the website! How God stretches us out of our comfort zones for the sake of the Gospel. Will we listen and obey?
    This is a good word…’brighter, bolder…’. The fields are white unto harvest. A timely story of the traveler and the spring. Teaching my Sunday school kids the last unit in our curriculum, Prayer and Evangelism. This is a very encouraging word. Thank you! Blessings!

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