Hand in Hand

“You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great.Psalm 18:35 NKJV

From the time you were very little, you have fought for independence. Your world today has taught you to cling to it tightly (more so than to Me). To fight for it fiercely. To be self-sufficient. To stand on your own two feet.

Your parents and grandparents clapped, and cheered, and took dozens of pictures the day you toddled clumsily into your first self-reliant steps. And again, the moment they let go of your bicycle, as you pedaled and swerved all on your own. And your first day of school when you let go of their hand, stepping confidently onto the big, yellow bus.

You’ll do the same with your own little ones because you’ve grown up in a community that lavishly celebrates independence.

But child, that is not My desire for you. Yes, I want you to be strong. But the difference is I want your strength to be in Me. To find that in your own weakness, My strength shines brightest as you lean on Me.

As your loving Heavenly Father, I often reach for your hand no matter how little you think you need it. That’s because I can see the stumbling blocks much further down the road. And even the wayward roots along your path that invisibly threaten to entangle you.

When you’re holding My hand, I won’t let you fall.

I’m always there beside you, hoping you’ll take hold. Hoping you’ll reach up.

Do you remember the story of how I provided manna for My children as they wandered through the wilderness with Moses? How I created it to last only a day so they’d have to rely on Me for the next day’s supply?

And have you considered how My son, Jesus, taught you to pray? He said you were to ask Me for daily bread?

My heart’s desire is that you would always depend on Me. Every moment. Every day.

Yes, I want you to grow and mature in your faith. To be strong in the convictions you’ve gained from My Word. And to be bold in going out into the world to be the salt and light I’ve called you to be.

But child, do it with Me. Go there with Me, hand in hand.

Let’s do life together because it always works so much better that way.

Psalm 18, Exodus 16:11-21, Psalm 63:7-8, Psalm 73:23, Psalm 139:9-10, Isaiah 41:13, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Ephesians 6:10-18

One response to “Hand in Hand”

  1. AMEN!
    Unfortunately there are still times when I get ahead of Him but I know without a doubt I wouldn’t still be here without Him 💕

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