He’s Everything to Me

“Then Moses asked God, ‘If I go to the Israelites and say to them: The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ What should I tell them?’ God replied to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM...’”  Exodus 3:13-14 HCSB

Almighty God – Jehovah – Savior – Pure and spotless Lamb

Creator of the universe – The only great I AM

The Alpha and Omega – The Beginning and the End

The Bread of Life – The Vine – The Door – My Master – Teacher – Friend

The Loader-up of benefits – And Giver of good things

Oil Pourer – Joy Restorer – Glorious King of kings

Abba Father – Advocate – Sustainer of the weak

Chain Breaker – Peace Maker – Blesser of the meek

Star Namer – Lion Tamer – Singer over me

Dream Weaver – Fountain Cleaver – God who hears and sees

Defender and Deliverer – The Way – The Truth – The Life

The Bridegroom – The Anointed One – The Rock – The Word – The Light

Mountain Framer –  Sea Restrainer – Rider on the wind

Giant Slayer – Ransom Payer – Pardoner of sin

Burden Bearer – Yoke Sharer – Tender to my cry

Throne Preparer – Breach Repairer – Dayspring from on High

Healer of the broken hearted – Opener of wombs

Promise Maker – Vengeance Taker – Vanquisher of tombs

Comforter – Redeemer – Helper – And my Hiding Place

Sea Divider – Need Provider – Lavisher of grace

Fashioner of beauty out of ashes that remained

Lion out of Judah that will not be cowed or tamed

Mountain Shaker – Seal breaker – Calmer of the waves

Veil Render – Lightning Sender – Lengthener of days

Setter up of kings and kingdoms – Raiser of dry bones

Drier-up of river beds – And precious Cornerstone

A Father to the Fatherless – My Refuge – Strength – And Shield

My very present Help in trouble – By His stripes I’m healed

He’s my Companion through the fire – Shelter in the flood

My God-in-flesh with Servant heart – And holy, righteous Judge

The Sun of Righteousness who comes with healing in His wings

And in the desert makes a way for clear, refreshing springs

My Intercessor –  Counselor – The Writer of my name

The God who was, and is, and will forever be the same

The Lord of lords – The Prince of Peace –  My all-Sufficiency

My Guide – My Shepherd – And my Hope –

He’s everything to me!

© 2015 Lisa DeVinney