Just a Sigh

I’m so excited to share from my upcoming devotional, Love, God. I’ll be doing so the first Wednesday each month. My prayer is that these devotions will help make reading God’s Word even more personal. They’re meant to remind us that the entire Bible is a love letter from God.

“Listen to my words, Lord;
consider my sighing.” Psalm 5:1 CSB

When you cannot even find the words, My child, I hear your sigh. That breath exhaled in exasperation, frustration, or exhaustion; or words choked out by tears… I hear them all. I feel them through My Spirit in you.

And here’s the most beautiful part – My Spirit in you does more than just listen. He, Himself, is praying for you with groans that cannot be expressed in mere words. They sink into the depths of your aching heart; then lift directly to My throne in Heaven.

So it’s okay to come to Me and just be still. Let My Spirit speak in and for you. He not only knows and understands just how you’re thinking and feeling, but He also knows My will for you. So His prayer for you will be exactly what’s best for you. And I will say yes to Him because We are one.

Your sigh, My quiet one, is not empty or wasted breath. And it does not go unheard. Instead, it is a sign to Me that you have surrendered your own will, yielding to Mine. That you recognize your deep need, and are reaching out for My hand.

After all, prayer isn’t finding just the right words to move My heart to act on your behalf. Prayer is baring your soul before Me, then listening for My heart’s desire for you. It’s hearing the voice of your Shepherd through that same Spirit who is interceding on your behalf.

I love to hear your words, My child. For I am the one who gave you your voice. But when the words won’t come, do not despair. Bring to Me whatever you have, even when it’s just a sigh. And know that I hear you.

Psalm 5:1-2, Ecclesiastes 5:2, Romans 8:26-27, Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7

4 responses to “Just a Sigh”

  1. love it – another “winner”; love the way you use the Capital letter at the beginning of the most important words.

    • Every time I get to write one of these, I feel the same way. I’m so looking forward to sharing more. God really does find ways to speak to us all the time…if we’ll just be still and listen. Thanks for letting me know this rang true for you, too!
      – Blessings, Lisa

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