You’ve Never Been This Way Before

“…When you see the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, move out from your positions and follow them. Since you have never traveled this way before, they will guide you.” Joshua 3:3-4 NLT

Have you sensed that nudge, My child? You know the one… the itch that it’s time for something new. Something different. Something other than what you’ve known before. Something beyond what has become comfortable and safe.

Sometimes that feeling simply comes from being dissatisfied; a lack of contentment in My “stay!”

But other times, that nudge is My Spirit coaxing you outside your comfort zone into courage’s corner. That’s MY corner. A place where faith and trust can grow. A place where you have opportunities to spread your Spirit-wings and fly into the unknown.

How can you know where the nudge is coming from? Try asking yourself these questions – would it cause you to rely more on yourself, or on Me? Is it something you would choose on your own? Or would it have to be a God-ask for you to consider it? Who would get the glory from such a change?

My friend, Joshua, took up the challenge to step into something new centuries ago. And maybe with the same lack of courage you’re currently feeling. Are you a bit unsure? I reminded Joshua time and time again to “be strong and courageous.” And that’s because he was anxious and needed those reminders. He had already led My people into battle under Moses’ leadership, and with great success. But when it came to taking the lead himself, he needed constant reassurance that he was not in it alone.

And neither are you!

Don’t miss the fact, My courageous one, that I recognized My children had never been where I was calling them to go. I knew it was a daunting challenge. That’s why My presence went before them in the Ark of the Covenant. Though they couldn’t see Me, they knew I dwelt with them there.

And now My Spirit dwells in you giving you everything you need to follow Me – strength, power, courage, direction. And even peace!

But child, don’t overlook the detail that My priests had to first step out in faith before they would see My miracle-working power. I know you want to see proof of My presence in this new venture. But oftentimes proof doesn’t come until you’ve taken that first step into the unknown.

Are you worried you won’t be equipped to handle the new and different? Won’t be strong enough? Smart enough? Bold enough?


My servant and friend, Moses, felt the same way. He even went so far as to ask Me to send someone else instead. But I had designed him to be enough. I supplied all he needed to carry out My new calling for His life.

And I will do the same for you.

Trust Me!

Joshua 3:1-17, Exodus 3:10-14, Exodus 4:10-13, Joshua 1:1-9, Isaiah 43:18-19, John 14:5-6, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 4:19, Hebrews 13:20-21, 2 Peter 1:3

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